Friday, September 19, 2008

Buns In The Oven (Take Two)

You know how I said that people keep asking if I'm pregnant. Well if they asked now, they'd be right. Jaren and I have a little bun in the oven and we're very excited. I am due Friday, May 8th, so wish me luck! To keep track of my baby's development, check out this site: Currently, I am on week 4. If you want to know which week I'm on in the future, I'll probably know, so you can call or email me.


Alli said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet my new little niece/nephew :)

Sara said...

Yay! I am just so excited to see this little person. You know he/she is going to be ADORABLE!! and how have you been feeling, Kristen? You are going to make such a great mommy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your family!! Very exciting :) - Rachael (McDonald) Gokboga

Julie said...

Hey Jaren and Kristin!! Congrats again on the baby - did I hear last that you have been REALLy sick right? Has it gotten any better?? What are you having?

Ruby Claire said...

Congrats for New baby.

2 Weeks Pregnant