As many of you know, Jaren and I have been planning to go to St. George for the summer to be tutor-counselors for Upward Bound. However, our plans have recently changed. Jeremy offered me a job for the summer as his office manager and Jaren and I have decided to take it! So, we will now be traveling up to Montana at the end of April and stay there pretty much the whole summer. We're really excited about it and are looking forward to spending time with family. Also, I think everyone should try and plan a trip to Montana because Jer, Pook and I will be there and Alli's planning to get some dental work done as well. Mom is also coming out for the baby, I think, so all we have to get now is Steve and Shan and it will just be a great big party! Anyways, I just wanted to let all of you know our plans and wish everyone the best summer ever. You rock, don't ever change.
xoxo, kristin and jaren